I'm a geek. I'm a complete nerd.
Almost all of my coping skills have boiled down to coloring, cigarettes, weed, mah dog, eating distorder(s) aaand.... Science Fiction. (Seriously on the nerd part though: I have Stargate SG-1 action figures, and i put an SG-1 patch on my purse.)
So right now i'm rewatching all of Farscape. i got through most of season 3 yesterday and last night. i'm on Season 4 episode 1 now and this cought my ear and inspired me to write in here:
Crichton {human}: "Is it torn bad?" -it: space dog bite on his leg that Sikozu's patching up.
Sikozu {Space alien chick}: "No, but it's the largest vein i've ever seen."
Crichton: [he explains it's so big to help him run faster. ] "obviously it needs to be bigger."
Sikozu: "It needs to be smaller. Everything smaller, lighter! Otherwise," she says as-a-matter-of-factly you'll never be able to shift your gravity center."
The way i've been thinking lately this really struck a chord.
On the upside, i'm 124.8 lbs right now. lowest i've been in quite a while.