Wednesday, July 11, 2012

No new news, No Ana Boot Camp

Hi kids!
It's been about 7 months since I've even really been paying attention to my weight. It's always there and I weigh myself every day, of course, but I haven't had the time or energy to really focus on it and the fact that I want it to be lower.
A lot of things have changed for me. I'm officially done with therapy, and I probably won't go back any time soon, which is good. I moved out of my father's house in february because he moved outside of the bus system and i wouldn't have been able to get to school. I moved in with another friend's parents. They're very kind and super nice people but they always have a ton of food and alcohol around that anyone and everyone is welcome to, so I think my highest weight lately was when I was living with them. Now, I'm living with this friend (minus parents) in an apartment near-ish our schools. She likes a lot of junk food and cooks with a lot of oil and things so it's hard to stay as healthy as I'd like to. The only way she stays skinny(ish) is that she's a cheer leader on both her school team and a competitive team.
My stats are basically the same:
CW: 127.8
GW1: 125
GW2: 120
UGW: 108 - BMI: 18.5
I'm not going to try the ABC diet any more. Maybe some day I will but the numbers are so low and so restrictive that it's simply too easy to fail. For now I'm just going to start being more aware of calories again, and I'm going to go back to MyFitnessPal (username willow2293 if you wanna find me!) I'm going to set my calories at about 1000 (it was at 800 before) and just see how it goes. I don't want to be too meticulous with it because I know the roomie will cook something that I can't really count cals on, or measure out without looking too conspicuous.
With love as always,