Saturday, March 26, 2011

Been a while, eh?

So that family i was talking about last entry? Yeah they kicked me out like two weeks later. Saying i should be with my own family and shit. I understand. I moved back to my father's for a night, came home 15 minutes late on halloween and he had locked me out. So i couch surfed for a little under a month before i moved in with my sister again. I've been living here for about five months, but i'll be moving out come august for college, i guess.

I was doing really well for a long time. I wasn't restricting or purging, I wasn't cutting, I was smoking but i still smoke less than most of my smoking friends, and i haven't really been drinking or smoking weed regularly anymore.

However, lately i started a new depression medication, which totally reset my system and i'm totally out of it. i quit because i thought i was allergic to it, but it might just be the sun. anyway, i'm back to being depressed, and because i promised all of my friends i would quit smoking before graduation, i'm frantically searching about for a crutch to replace my addiction.

So i'm back, a phrase too commonly read on forum communities.
H: 5'4"
Starting Weight: 132
CW: 129.8
GW: 120 by graduation in may
I'm not doing ABC, but i'm trying to stick under 800 cals a day and i'm doing the 28 day challenge. Points for today, day 5:
Food: 2/2 (2 dog treats- weird, i know: 40; 1 apple: 80, 1 yogurt: 170; frozen veggies: 400; total: 690)
Water: 2/2
Exercise: 2/2
Post: 2/2
Challenge: 2/2 fun day, I went “shopping”
Total: 33/50