Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oh Gawd

I've finally, finally slipped under 120. i'm 119.8. this is fantastic. You would think i would be jumping around for joy. I'm not. I just keep thinking about what It'll be like at 110. 108. 100. 99. At 99 lbs, My BMI will be 17.0. 108, I'll be 18.0. I can't wait. This has taken much, much too long.

Smoking is helping curb my appetite so much. I love it.

I asked a girl to the Sadie Hawkins. She's obnoxious as hell but she's kind of adorable, in her own little annoying way.

Have a good day everybody (if anyone actually reads this)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Just a quick update

Mid-december, i tried to kill myself. I got landed in a mental hospital for a week. They made us eat five times a day (3 meals, 2 snacks) so my metabolism got blown through the roof. when i went in, i weighed 128. when i got out, i weighed 126. Now, a month later, i weigh 121.4. WhoopWhoop. It's fantastic.

I've started smoking. It's hell. I hate it. but i love it soo, soo much. It's helping a lot with appetite, while it's ruining my already bad lungs. *sigh* like i need another addiction. *facepalm*

well, have a good day,
hope all is well in normal-land
