Sunday, October 23, 2011

Quiz time!

How many of you can tell me how many times I've started the ABC diet and never finished it? Because going back three years and counting myself would just prove too damn difficult. Gold star to anyone who does though.
Anyway, point is, I've begun anew...again. And ABC day 1 was a freakin' success! On the ABC livejournal, I said I was "smoothie fasting" which turned out pretty close, as my aim was to have no solids today to make up for my massive fuckup last night.
It's pretty satisfying to know that all i've consumed today is...
2 cups chopped strawberries (frozen, hence, smoothies) -- 100ish
1.5 cups Soy Milk  -- 165
1 can of Vegetarian Vegetable soup -- 225
3 cups green tea -- 0
Bringing us to a total of.... 490.

y'know, it's kind of odd. Eating less makes me feel my cigarettes more. It's been weeks since i've felt a nicotine buzz but of the 4 or so smokes i've had today, i've felt it twice. I don't know if i like that or not because there was a point where nicotine buzzes would just make me sick.
Goodnight world. Wish me luck on my 50 day endeavor to thinness!

1 comment:

  1. hey just found ur blog! how did ur most recent ABC diet go? plz post more!
    -stay strong
