Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back to techies.

Warped tour was AWESOME!! I can say with confidence that Warped Tour 2009 was the best concert I have ever been to. We saw roughly 8 bands. Streetlight Manifesto was the best set I've ever seen as well.

Today went well. I'm happy to be back with all the techies. We were missing one kid, but he might still be in Iowa, and he probably didn't get the email memo. We didn't notice anyone else being gone.

The bad thing about today, is that two kids went to get mountian dew and donuts.
I had one can, and two donuts. Two. >.< fuck my life.
*sigh* there was a time when I would have had 5 dews and 3 donuts by the time we were done. and not thought twice about it.

Good news: the school system put in place a limit of how many calories everything in the vending machines can have. So now they only sell diet sodas and life water. that's good for two reasons. i can get diet coke and diet mountain dew at school (even though i usually just get life water), and our tech teacher's mountain dew sales will sky rocket and we'll get a lot of money for tech.

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